FAQs for Implementing Regulations

The content of this page shall not prejudice the provisions of the Capital Market Law, the Companies Law, their Implementing Regulations or other relevant laws. The content of this page shall not be considered an alternative to the provisions of the Capital Market Law, the Companies Law, or their Implementing Regulations. In the event of any conflict between the content of this page and the provisions of the Capital Market Law, the Companies Law, or their Implementing Regulations, those Laws and Regulations shall prevail. And as the Implementing Regulations issued by the CMA are subject to constant update, reliance shall be always on the Regulations published on CMA's website.


    What does an insider mean?
    Who are the addressees of the Investment Accounts Instructions? What is the aim of these Instructions?
    What is an investment account?
    What does Freezing of the Investment Account mean?
    What is an Investment Accounts Identification Cards?
    When shall a Capital Market Institution freeze investment accounts?
    Shall an authorised person notify the client of freezing the investment account?
    What is the Parallel Market, and what is the purpose of establishing it?
    What are the Eligible classes to participate in the Parallel Market?
    What is the definition of qualified investor?
    Can the public participate in the offering and trading in the Parallel Market-Nomu?
    Should the appointed financial advisor be independent from the issuer?
    Can the issuer appoint a financial advisor, a legal advisor, or any other advisor to advise him on the continuous obligations after listing in the Parallel Market-Nomu?
    What is the lower limit to the expected aggregate market value, at the date of listing of shares to be listed in the Parallel Market-Nomu? And is there an upper limit to which?
    Are there any fees for application for registration and offer of shares in the Parallel Market-Nomu?
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